
"Dogs are minor angels. They love unconditionally, forgive immediately, and are the truest of friends."
—Jonathan Carrol
“Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car.”
― Dave Barry

— “Lee is an AMAZING trainer! Our dachshund Noodles had been abused by his first owner, a male. As a result Noodles was much too affectionate with my husband and very aggressive toward me. "Lee worked his magic and now Noodles is just wonderful with all of us, including our son, Harry! He's so well-behaved!” —Caroline Gibson

— Many years ago, Lee trained, and often boarded, our wonderful beagle, Maggie. After Maggie passed, Lee trained our Welsh Springer Spaniel, Caleb. And he has been lovingly boarding Caleb whenever we are away. Lee speaks Dog. This is evident in the way Caleb runs to see him and instantly follows all his commands. — J. Mitnick

— “I first wrote to you about our dog Alpine after a rain storm caused him to try to escape through every door and window in the house. We started the pushing exercise, as you suggested, as well as tug and bark therapy. "The other day it was raining loudly enough to get him into a full quiver and panic. I was shocked … on his own he retreated to a room that is quiet (no sky lights) and was sound asleep! What a difference!" — Ellen Mrochek, Hilliard, OH

— “Lee is an AMAZING trainer! Our dachshund Noodles had been abused by his first owner, a male. As a result Noodles was much too affectionate with my husband and very aggressive toward me. "Lee worked his magic and now Noodles is just wonderful with all of us, including our son, Harry! He's so well-behaved!” —Caroline Gibson
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